
Dr. Azlan Abas

Senior Lecturer Department of Environmental Management University Kebangsaan Malaysia

Abas is a Senior Lecturer of Environmental Management at the Faculty of Social Science and Humnanities, UKM. He Graduated in Bachelor of Science (Microbiology) from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and Master of Environmental Management from the same university. He completed his Ph.D. at Environmental Management Programme from UKM. His main research work includes the ecological indicator, witch mainly focuses on lichen as the biological indicator. He also works on the Lichen ecology in Malaysia and the development of Ecosystem Services Index. At the national level, his research group has worked closely with government agencies such as Department of Environment, Malaysia and he has received international collaboration from many institutions such as Chinese Academy of Sciences, Indonesian Institute of Sciences and Australian national Botanic Gardens.

09:00 - 12:00 AM

Conference Day

Plenary Session Room Environment, Urbanization, and Sustainability


Dinar Rizky Listyaputri, M.Pd.